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A Knežević · 2002 · Cytowane przez 66 — Fusion is a union of one or more teeth during development. Gemination means that two separate morphological units were created by division of the tooth germ.. When tooth buds fuse in the early period of calcification, usually all the developing dental structures (enamel, dentin, and cement) fuse, while later fusion .... H Açıkel · 2018 · Cytowane przez 14 — If the fusion takes place in the advanced stage of morph-differentiation, it may be limited to the roots, meaning the fused teeth might have .... G Oliván Rosas · 2004 · Cytowane przez 7 — According to Canut-Brusola, the following definitions can be established: Dehiscence: laceration resulting from trauma and affecting the crown .... D Demircioglu Guler · Cytowane przez 6 — Objective. Fusion is a dental anomaly that arises through the union of two adjacent teeth. The case report presents multidisciplinary management of a fused .... CL Mader · 1979 · Cytowane przez 156 — Differentiation between gemination and fusion in the adult dentition may be difficult; the author offers a definition for the term, fused teeth.. V Goh · 2020 · Cytowane przez 2 — Tooth fusion is defined as the union between two or more separate developing teeth. Such anomaly may be complete or incomplete depending on .... In dentistry, a permanent tooth that succeeds (replaces) a normally erupted deciduous tooth. It includes the premanent incisors, cuspids, and premolars. The .... 13 kwi 2017 — This means that by failing to fall out, the fused or geminated baby tooth can stall the development of not just one, but two adult teeth and .... CL Mader · 1979 · Cytowane przez 156 — Differentiation between gemination and fusion in the adult dentition may be difficult; the author offers a definition for the term, fused teeth.. 1 wrz 2014 — fusion can be defined as the union between enamel and dentin of a two or more separately developing teeth. There may be a complete union .... J Shapira · 1983 · Cytowane przez 11 — fusion has been defined as the dentinal union of two or more originally individual teeth.1"4 It may involve a normal and a supernumerary tooth (mesiodens or sup .... 17 cze 2014 — Fusion occurs when two teeth join into one and looks similar to gemination. However, if the fused teeth are counted as one tooth, the child will .... P Méndez · 2007 · Cytowane przez 7 — These definitions of fusion or gemination are based on the way the tooth was developed. Gemination occurs as a result of attempted division .... Fusion is the union of two embryologically separate developing teeth. Gemination is the incomplete division of a single tooth bud.. A Venkatesh · 2016 · Cytowane przez 4 — Fusion is when two tooth buds fuse to make a large tooth. Gemination, also called double tooth is an anomaly exhibiting two joined crowns and usually a single .... Definition. Two teeth united during development by the union of their tooth germs; the teeth may be joined by the enamel of their crowns, by their root .... People sometimes confuse gemination in teeth with tooth fusion, but tooth fusion is a different condition. Tooth fusion happens when two adjacent tooth buds .... Tooth fusion arises through union of two normally separated tooth germs, and depending upon the stage of development of the teeth at the time of union, ... 060951ff0b